Monday 28 August 2017

Important, please read this.

Ecoute tous les gens,s'il vous plait, particulier mes amis en France. Je vous remercies vos comments gentils, mais je suis tres embarasse. JE N'AI PAS le MND! J'ai plusieurs des symptomes, mais a ce moment, je n'ai pas cette maladie tres horrifique. Qu-est ci que passe est j'ai mise mon nom au petition MND et un comment aussi, et tout ca a ete distribuer a touts mes amis qui lise l'Internet. Je suis tres heureux que j'ai plusieurs amis qui ont mis leur comments, mais je dois repeter. Heureusement, je n'ai pas le MND, trois ou quatre symptomes seulement To all my friends, please listen, particularly my English friends. Thank you for your kind comments, but I am very embarrassed. I DO NOT HAVE MND: I have several of the symptoms, but for now, I don't have this horrific disease. What happened was I put my name to a MND petition as well as a comment, and all this has been transmitted to all my friends on Facebook. I am very happy that I have so many friends who have commented, but I must repeat. Happily I do not have MND, only three or four symptoms of it. A tutti mi Italiane, voglio dicere NON O MND. Grazie per vostri buoni penseri. Fur meine Freunden in Deutschland, Ich bin sehr lustig sagen Ich habe nicht MND haben. Es ist gut haben mein Freunden, aber Ich sag, Ich habe nicht MND. I am still very embarrassed but thank you for your kind wishes and understanding.

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