Friday 23 May 2014

The top photo is of Silbury Hill, a 2 500 year-old man made hill just outside Avebury (A'bury to the locals)  The rest are of the remaining stone circle of sarsens in which the village itself is situated.  There was another stone circle, which with the remaining circle were themselves surrounded by a gigantic stone circle.  These were removed in less enlightened but more practical times to be used as building stone for the village.  The circles are over 3 000 years old making them about 500 years older than Stonehenge. 

It's an interesting thought that as some of my relations come from A'bury in the 1600s when people were less mobile than today I might be related in some way to the circle builders themselves.  But then, with the small population that existed then, most of us of UK origins probably have a henge builder in the family from way way back!

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