Wednesday 3 August 2022

Part One and a Half already - the Odyssey!


After re-reading part one, I feel altogether more confident than I did a couple of weeks ago about my upcoming Medical Procedure.

How things can snowball!

A fall

leads to

a trip to hospital "just in case".

An angiogram, normally easy peasy,

Cannot be done.

I am put into hospital for a week.

I am told my heart is a "dicky ticker".

I can possibly do nothing at all - in which case in a year or so  I could have a heart attack.

Or, I could have an angioplasty with balloon stents (thought - if you fill them with helium will you float over the rooftops?  

Aagh.  I forgot.  If you can't shove dye up your ar . . .    teries in an angiogram, then you can't shove a drill up there in an angioplasty without a huge risk of unplanned ripping and tearing of arteries.

So it's going to be the whole big, carefully planned six-hour operation.  I shall be fitted with a couple of titanium plates.  How titanic!  I wonder if my chest will be bullet-proof - just a thought!

I'm trying to get a photo of my insides, but in spite of several hints to the surgical team members, I think I shall be unlucky! Shame!  That would be an unusual family portrait!

So, I go into the hospital early on the morning of the 11th August, and the Main Event will be on the 12th August.  In less than two weeks after that, I could be home, though not exactly fighting fit.  Certainly by the middle of September.  By Christmas, I should be able to make plans for 2023, knowing that I'll be a healthier lad.

Wish me luck for the Eleventh.  

If it isn't awful, it will certainly be unusual!

But I've got an uncomfortable feeling it's going to be both!